No Rest for the Wicked is a contest between me and big JF
to see who can lose the most body fat by 7pm, April 1...
I thought instead of phone calls and emails to see how I'm doing,
I'd post here to help include my friends in my little process! Welcome! Help me out!

Friday, April 2, 2010


i couldnt get an appointment to have my official measurements taken yesterday, which was the LAST day of the challenge, so this morning at 10:30 im headed to the gym where everything will come to a (hopefully happy!) major finish.
this program has been SO AMAZING and good - i have learned so much!

1. posting every day has been hard, so if i do this again i should post every few days.
2. understanding portion sizes has probably made the biggest change.
3. second biggest change - my program has me eating less carbs (without even noticing it!)
4. WAY more fruits and veggies - again, without even noticing it!

i RARELY felt like i was on a "diet", the only "diety" thing about doing this program was having to report what i was eating, otherwise, it felt easy to do and i was certainly never hungry, nor did i feel anxious about not being able to eat something.

im really excited and am wishing 10:30am would come faster! ill post my results asap!

thanks to all my friends who have been so supportive!

1 comment:

  1. I'm still so proud of you for finishing!!! How did your final results turn out?
