No Rest for the Wicked is a contest between me and big JF
to see who can lose the most body fat by 7pm, April 1...
I thought instead of phone calls and emails to see how I'm doing,
I'd post here to help include my friends in my little process! Welcome! Help me out!

Saturday, March 20, 2010


great day. ate great, lots of sugar-free jello, thanks to friend GWEN! she reminded me that its a great/easy snack, and boy did i make up for lost time on some sugar free jello yesterday. ps, it has protein! (you know why... gelatin... erg)
anyway, great day. took a long long walk, and could have had lunch at any 'healthy' place along the way - subway, chipotle, jimmy johns, etc,... but i waited to get home and make something i was sure i could feel great about. had a giant salad. yummo.

ps, the last day that is filled in is saturday, today, so of course it is low because its only noon!

things i could improve: lift weights at gym, burn more calories.
UGH get me ON THAT!!!

1 comment:

  1. YAY for Jell-O!!! You are doing fabulous Girl!!! I'm so proud of you!!! XOXO
