No Rest for the Wicked is a contest between me and big JF
to see who can lose the most body fat by 7pm, April 1...
I thought instead of phone calls and emails to see how I'm doing,
I'd post here to help include my friends in my little process! Welcome! Help me out!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

great stuff

hi guys!
i had an AWESOME day yesterday - i have to say i am getting REALLY good at the eating part of this - ive made all my goals almost every single day (give or take really tiny details, like overeating carbs by 2g or something, which, for the numbers TOTALLY counts, but for the point of the project doesnt count to me)... and, BEST OF ALL:
seeing them in the mirror and on the scale. feel way better, feel different, love how different my body feels energy-wise, etc.
yesterday i had an incredible workout and even beat my goal by like 10%, which doesnt sound like a lot but after a hugef workout, doing even more was hard.
travelling is done for the rest of the month and the countdown REALLY starts now... about 15 days until THE DAY when we compare our body fat loss. i hope the numbers continue to reflect the hard work ive put into this! (im pretty annoyed with the scale at my gym AND the body fat calculations they do there, i am sure they are off.)
what im glad to say is that while i was away over the weekend, i NATURALLY ate on my program, pretty much without thinking about it at all! **I SHOULD MARKET THIS!**
so monday's numbers were good, except didnt meet water, fruits/veggies or protein goals (i was a smiiiidge behind in all of them - in reality it was fine, but the numbers look for perfection, so fine)...
tuesday was PERFECT and even better (i ran on the lake AND went to the gym AND overdid it at the gym!) - except i ran out of my meds and didnt refill - doing that first thing today. so my #s were a tiny bit low for that reason.
today will be great. youll see my #s are totally low, but ive just started the day! watch me KILL THIS DAY! woot!!
even though lbs arent what we are going for necessarily, i ive lost close to 10! bodyfat wise, like i said, my gym's measuring is definitely off, since it says ive lost zero fat. ill have to find another way to measure for the big day.
im also going to commit to LIFT every day till april 1. yoikes!



  1. *my 'health tip of the day' on the side of my blog says you should reward yourself when you accomplish little goals - i should mention im LOVING these random little sugar free popsicles i have... program-wise, they dont count for anything (even though they have 15 calories and 4g carbs) and they take a while to eat, they are a fun little dessert (and i can have two or three if i really want!)

  2. YAY!!! You are doing great!!!! You know what I like for a reward...sugar free Jell-O cups. I can have 2 for free and they are actually pretty yummy. :) XOXO

  3. gwen, thats so smart! totally forgot about jello! we have so many boxes... i like making a box of strawberry sugar free plus a box of raspberry sugar free and eating it while its still gooey - boxes are usually like 5/$1! jello cups are probably easier for tossing in your purse though. SMART GIRL!
